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what to do?

madeline briscoe

I've struggled with boredom recently, as I'm sure everyone has or is right now. Quarantine has stolen my motivation and my livelyhood and my hopes and dreams. I've always dreamed of going to college in a beautiful place far away from home but this quarantine has got me thinking to try and stay semi close. I've dreamed too much for my liking, I stopped living in the moment. I stopped living in the moment the day I became a young adult. The day I started walking and talking and fending for myself and quarantine has only deepened the separation between here and now and my dreams and thus I decided to come up with a list of things to do.

1. COOK SOMETHING. I know everyone is making banana bread and creme brulee and I wish I could say I was a Michelin chef or deserved to be on the Great British Baking Show but alack I can barely microwave a Cup Noodle. I've learned to cook and mix two things, the first being edible cookie dough. Not that kind of edible but rather there is no need to get salmonella nor cook the dough. It's egg less and baking soda or powder less (I don't know which one goes in cookies). It's super easy and delicious. 1/4 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons of butter which must be melted together first, than an 1/8 tablespoon vanilla and 1/8 tablespoon salt followed up by 5 tablespoons of flour. At the end there, 1 tablespoon of milk and you are on your way. I usually throw in a 1/4 cup of oatmeal and chocolate chips but to each his own. The other thing I learned how "cook" is a sort of slushie, so it's technically not cooking one would say. Basically just eyeball how much ice you need and throw in some lemonade to a blender. From there, blend. Than pour and there you have yourself a slushie.

2. Draw. I've spent my whole childhood resenting drawing after being forced against my will to draw for school. Waldorf highly encouraged (FORCED) drawing and it made me prefer the sound of nails on a chalkboard to that of the special Waldorfian crayons on onion paper (super thin and basically see through paper). My grandma than decided drawing materials were the thing to buy, up until recently and I am so happy about it. I despised the gifts for a while but because of this quarantine I've had the chance to go back and color in the "100 Glittering Mandalas" book I received years ago. It has becoming a calming thing for me to do during an episode of Game of Thrones.

3. Uhhh exercising. I used to play high level soccer. I wasn't very good but I was incredibly fit and felt fantastic in my body. After I quit, I lost tons of muscle weight and up until quarantine I had zero want to get any muscle back. I spend too much time sitting on my butt because of this quarantine and because of that I spend too much time on TikTok. Fortunately for all the Tiktok viewers though, most girls post their favorite YouTube videos for workouts. I stumbled across Chloe Ting, a fitness instructor that looks like a simulation, and have been tracking my muscle growth. It's been fascinating. 10 minute workouts every night surprisingly does wonders. :)

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