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Covid-19 Destruction

madeline briscoe

Updated: Apr 5, 2020

Life as I've known it has always been relatively easy. I'm a lucky, middle class white woman with two adorning straight parents who simply just fell out of love. And than, disaster struck. It was a Thursday when I realized how horrific the coronavirus was. March 12th 2020. My dad told me I was not allowed to go to school the next day which for me is basically the worst thing ever. I cannot imagine a time where I didn't want to go to school. Yeah I kvetched and moaned about how much I hated school, but as the quarantine dragged on, I realized a couple things.

1. We hate the things that become accustomed to us, and find ourselves wanting to complain and change things.

2. We do not have the power to control things.

3. We are in desperate need of a new president. Actively taking applications.

4. Wash your hands.

5. This coronavirus is very serious, stay inside, social distance and respect others personal space.

The fear of the virus might be the worst part. Yeah, maybe not physically, but psychologically, for people who need connection, this virus is destroying their psyche. Teenagers need their friends, just like a baby needs their mother. They become dependent on it to the point where maybe it becomes unhealthy. The only way teenagers survive their times away from friends is because they have an end date, whether that be because of grounding, vacation or being sick with a stomach bug, but Covid-19 leaves room for speculation and uncertainty. We don't know when this travesty will end. We don't know how it will end and who will be affected. We don't know who is going to die, and worst of all, we don't know who we'll be afterwards.

My mother said something frightening to me the other day. "Stay far away from people, and the ones that you love, tell them you love them because you may never see them again." That is the world right now. I may never see my grandma and grandpa ever again and neither will my little sister. My friends live with their grandparents and decided to move into their house in Tahoe to avoid coming into contact with them.

Teenagers still don't realize how horrific this is, months after the initial transmission into America. I mean it doesn't help that our president is not one to set examples, but my very bestest friends are still hanging out with their boyfriends, kissing them and loving on them, going to their best friends houses to watch the Internets favorite TV show, Tiger King. I get how hard this is, trust me, I've messed this up once or twice now, but as the total confirmed cases skyrockets passed 1,000,000 people, I find myself and my family suffering for others ignorance. Simple choices like not going out to dinner changes everything.

Imagine a line of dominoes, and they're all falling, the ripple affect in action, but one domino decides to move out of the way, and suddenly the affect is thrown off and the rest o the dominoes stay standing. That's what us humans need to do. Be the domino. Stop the spread.

CONFIRMED CORONAVIRUS CASES WORLDWIDE (Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)) 1,204,246

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